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DAFTAR PUSTAKA - Universitas Sumatera Utara 46 Wacholder: Diet, Tobacco Use, and Fatal Prostate Cancer: Results from the Lutheran Brotherhood Cohort Study, National Cancer Institute. Cancer Research 50. 6836-6840, November I, I990. McNeal JE (1988) Normal histology of the prostate.Am J Surg Pathol 12(8): Turkish Journal of Pathology - Turkish J Pathology Turkish Journal of Pathology has been accepted for inclusion in the Web of Science- Emerging Sources Citation Index that means the articles published in the journal … Patoloji Laboratuvarı İmmünhistokimyasal İşlem Listesi Patoloji Laboratuvarı İmmünhistokimyasal İşlem Listesi Antikor Adı ACTH AE-1 AFP ALFA DYSTROGLICAN ALK (rabbit monoklonal D5F3) ALK-1 AMACR (504S) Patoloji - Emrullah Beyazyıldız
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